My second year

This year for myself has been a totaly different experience but very enjoyable on my plot at cravenvale!

This year I thought I’d give a try at doing onion sets (a dozen) after my first year I had no sucess, just kept me fingers crossed and am very pleased to say that most of them done well. I did have one problem and that was slugs/snails munching the tops! I did think they must had been very hungry or no taste buds!! 

Broad beans did very well unlike my runner beans, five lots I planted on separate occasions and the weather was too wet or not enough sun and of course the damage by the sns’s (slugs and snails), thankfully me dwarf beans which i did sow straight into the ground have done so well, am still harvesting them and more flowers still coming along. so they make up for the lack of runner beans i think.  Me potatoes earlys and lates all went down with blight, thankfully I caught it just in time so cut the stems right near the ground so haven’t lost any potatoes, then disposed of the leaves/stems. 

With me peas the badger had them for supper again, just hoping he or she will not get to my sweetcorn before I do as I have heard they are a favorite too on the badgers menu. I have one pumpkin that is doing well at the momment just waiting for the sun to appear to ripen it. Beetroot has done ok unlike me carrots, they never appeared and the ones that did got munched by the sns’s.  

Mustard cress I have used on a small area, very good on keeping those weeds down! and can be dug back into the ground (green manure).This winter i am hoping to get a big load of manure as I have never seen a garden worm! which I have since found out that it is due to the ground being starved. The compost I had from last year hasn’t gone that far so hence manure to buy. If anyone is thinking of getting manure this winter as well maybe you could contact me, e-mail address is  so we could get more for our money.  I am the beresford road end of cravenvale. 

thankyou john

pumpkins july 2012

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  • Good blog John and great pics xx

    By Sarah Turner (09/09/2012)

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